Spring Services.

Spring delivers five distinct offerings underpinned by quantitative and qualitative methodologies.

The solutions.

‘We want to better target and connect with a particular audience.’

‘‘We need to better engage with stakeholders / retailers / distributors / suppliers.’

Audience profiles and personas:

Providing rich, robust and real profiles based on data and time spent with real customers.

Audience profile and persona insight can be achieved through variable methodologies and approaches. We tailor our approach to the specific use cases and needs of this insight and create engaging outputs to feed the decision making process.

Buyer motivations:

Establishing key criteria for better connecting with buyers and potential buyers.

We understand buyer motivations at a category level and amongst a range of customer types - therefore this generally requires a broad base of respondents beyond just existing customers. We focus here not only on what drives decision making but what organsiations can do to better align to this customer reality.

‘We want to better understand how buyers in our category think.’

‘We want to know what levers we can pull in the buyer journey to tip the scales in our favour.’

‘We want to drive our brand forward.’

‘We want to increase our presence in the market.’

‘We are creating a brand strategy to implement over the next 12-24 months.’

Brand exploration, benchmarking, and tracking:

Understanding current brand performance and perceptions alongside competitors and within specific audiences.

Brand benchmarking: Quantitative measurement of your brand performance and perceptions amongst key audiences. This can also enable tracking over time.

Brand strategy: Qualitative research with customers or target customers to explore current and the current and ideal delivery of a brand and how to better and how to better position or bring this to life for key audiences.

‘Can we succeed in a new market?’

‘Will this product/service work?’

‘Is this an idea worth pursuing?’

Market and product validation:

Establishing the degree of ‘fit’ between the proposition and the needs and drivers of target customers.

Using a range of established techniques and frameworks to allow businesses to ‘look before they leap’ into a new offering or market.
The nature of our market and product validation offerings adapts to the specific decisions that need to be made and the degree of risk or uncertainty around growth plans.

‘We want to make sure our customers are treated well.’

‘We want to ensure our staff performance is delivering on our brand promise.’

Customer journeys and experience

Mapping the customer journey and measuring changes in performance to identifying areas needing focus. 

Our brand mapping process ensures we take a customer view of the journey and interactions with an organisation (not just an internal view).

We also deliver customer experience benchmarking and tracking through a variety of methodologies and at a frequency that matches the customer relationship.